Master cylinder
When disassembling the master cylinder, remove the protective rubber cap 17 (see fig. 61) from the end of the cylinder body and the retaining ring 18, then the piston 8, the sealing ring 7, the piston 6, the sealing ring 20 and the return spring 23 of the piston are removed from the body.
The cylinder mirror and the outer surface of the piston must not be damaged or corroded. Minor burrs or pitting found are repaired by grinding with a fine-grained sanding stone. Check the condition of the piston return spring and replace it if it is cracked or has lost elasticity. Replace o-rings. Check the protective cap. If it is damaged, replace it with a new one.
Before assembly, carefully clean and rinse the parts with the fluid used to fill the clutch drive. Mineral oil, gasoline, kerosene or diesel fuel must not be allowed to come into contact with the parts, as rubber seals swell from these substances.
After checking all the parts, the master cylinder is assembled in the reverse order of disassembly. In this case, all parts are lubricated only with the fluid used for the hydraulic drive.
Working cylinder
When disassembling the working cylinder, remove the protective cap 12 (see fig. 62) together with the pusher 4, take out the piston and disassemble it, having previously removed the retaining ring 18.
After disassembly, wash the parts and check them as indicated for the master cylinder. It is not allowed to install a deformed pusher. After checking, proceed to assembly (reverse order of disassembly), by lubricating the parts with hydraulic fluid.