Pic. 226. Generator G-222:
1 - voltage regulator; 2 - cover from the side of slip rings; 3 - rotor; 4 - cover on the drive side; 5 - a pulley with a fan; 6 - neutral wire plug; 7 - stud fastening the generator to the tension bar; 8 - output «30» generator; 9 - casing of the voltage regulator; 10 - output «15» generator (conclusion «B» voltage regulator); 11 - capacitor; 12 - coupling bolt; 13 - stator; 14 - bushing; 15 - buffer sleeve; 16 - clamping sleeve; 17 - rectifier block; 18 - contact rings; 19 - rubber ring; 20 - brush holder.
The rotor consists of a shaft on which a steel bushing and two steel beak-shaped poles are pressed, forming a magnetic system. On a steel sleeve between the beak-shaped poles in a plastic frame is the rotor winding, called the excitation winding. Its ends are connected to contact rings 18 mounted on a plastic block pressed onto the rotor shaft. The current to the excitation winding is supplied through brushes pressed by springs to slip rings.
The stator 13 is assembled from plates of electrical steel, connected by electric welding. Three phase windings are laid in the internal grooves of the stator, connected in a star with plug 6 of the neutral wire. Until 1985, a relay of a control lamp for the battery charge was connected to it. The alternating voltage induced in the stator winding is converted into a constant by the rectifier unit 17, assembled on six silicon valves of the VA-20 type in a three-phase bridge circuit. The microelectronic voltage regulator 1 is combined in one unit with the brush holder 20.
On fig. 227 shows the connection diagram of the generator, which has a charge control lamp, which was used until 1985. Since 1985, relay 3, control lamp 7 and the corresponding wires are not installed, since one voltmeter 6 is quite enough to control the generator voltage.
Pic. 227. Connection diagram of the G-222 generator on a VAZ-2105 car:
1 - battery; 2 - generator; 3 - relay of a control lamp of a charge of the accumulator battery; 4 - mounting block; 5 - ignition switch; 6 - voltmeter; 7 - battery charge control lamp located in the instrument cluster.
Since 1988, a generator type 37.3701 can be installed on parts of cars. It differs from the G-222 generator mainly in the rotor and stator windings, the voltage regulator and the introduction of three additional diodes in the rectifier unit to power the excitation winding and to operate the charge control lamp.