1. We install the car on a viewing hole or overpass (see "Vehicle preparation for maintenance and repair").
2. Remove the basket and clutch disc (see "Clutch parts - removal and installation").
3. We screw the clutch housing mounting bolt into the threaded hole in the cylinder block.
4. To keep the flywheel from turning, we lean on the bolt with a mounting blade inserted between the teeth of the flywheel crown.
5. socket wrench by 17 mm Loosen the six flywheel bolts.
6. Remove the support washer and flywheel from the crankshaft.
The flywheel installed on a new car is balanced when assembled along with the crankshaft. The flywheel can be mounted on the crankshaft in two positions. If the flywheel is not removed for replacement, then it should be installed in its original position. For this, a mark is made on the flywheehp the positions of the pistons of the 1st and 4th cylinders in BMT (top dead center) The mark should be at the top of the flywheel.
1. We install the flywheel and evenly, from diametrically opposite sides, tighten the bolts of its fastening to the crankshaft with a torque of 60.1-87.4 Nm.
2. Install all removed parts in reverse order.