1. Bottle of universal protective lubricant type WD40 or AB80 (ABRO).
2. Special type lock defroster "liquid key", For example "Lock De-Icer" (ABRO) Or, in extreme cases, a disposable lighter.
3. Glass defroster for removing snow and ice crust, for example "Windshield De-Icer" (ABRO).
4. Anti-freeze windshield washer fluid, e.g "Spectrol", PCF "Him-bottle" And "Technohimservice", "Windshield Washer Concentrate" (ABRO).
5. Special scraper for cleaning ice from glass.
6. A large brush with soft bristles to remove freshly fallen snow from the surface of the body.
7. Kit "winter" rubber.
8. A set of special rubber rugs -"baths" for the salon.
9. External rear-view mirrors with electric heating.
10. Cape with electric heating at least on the driver's seat.
11. A small reliable bayonet shovel.