1. Drain the gearbox oil.
2. After removing the protective cap, unlock the hub nut.
3. Loosen the wheel bolts and hub nuts. The hub nut is tightened with a large torque, so it is recommended to use, for example, a piece of pipe as a lever.
Warnings! When loosening the hub nut, the vehicle must be on the ground!
Loosen and tighten the wheel bolts only with the vehicle on the ground. Bolt tightening torque 65–95 Nm (6.5–9.5 kgf·m).
4. Brake the vehicle with the parking brake, place chocks under the rear wheels, and raise the front of the vehicle to secure stands.
5. Remove the front wheel and finally loosen the hub nut.
6. Remove the thrust washer.
7. Remove the cotter pin from the tie rod ball joint to the swing arm.
8. Turn away a nut of fastening of the spherical hinge of steering draft.
9. Using a puller, press the tie rod ball joint pin out of the rack pivot arm.
10. Turn out two bolts and disconnect a spherical hinge of the lever of a forward suspension bracket from a rotary fist.
11. Take aside the steering knuckle with the rack..
12.... and remove the splined shank of the outer joint from the hub.
13. Using a mounting spatula, press the drive inner joint shank out of the gearbox.
Note. If you intend to remove both drives, after removing one of the drives, insert a technological plug into the gearbox instead (e.g. old inner hinge) and only then remove the second drive. Otherwise, the side gears of the differential will move and the drives cannot be installed.
14. Remove the drive shaft.
15. Install the front wheel drive in the reverse order of removal.